On Sun, Mar 08, 2009 at 08:46:22PM -0400, Venefax wrote:
> I was really dismayed today when I installed the latest Red Hat 5.3 and the
> version of Xen included is 3.1. Apparently, the only distribution with Xen
> 3.3 is Suse. Am I reading here that Red Hat will never upgrade Xen to newer
> versions? I installed the released version, and it still uses Xen 3.1.
Things are not quite that simple. The RHEL-5 userspace tools are mostly on
a 3.0.3 base, while the hypervisor and kernel are on a 3.1.0 base. The base
versions are typically not upgraded during the lifetime of a major RHEL
release series. That said, we do have a large number of carefully backported
features & patches from newer versions, eg to add support for NPT/EPT,
improved HVM support, hugepage support, and much more besides. So just
comparing version numbers won't give you a true picture of Xen features
available in RHEL-5.
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